Litigation involves successful preparation and presentation of your case before the trier of fact be it the judge or the jury. No matter what the case, the attorney wants to know what the judge is like, how to get in the right evidence to tell the client’s story effectively and powerfully, and how to keep out the opponent’s evidence. And the attorney will be thinking about these issues from the very beginning until the end: how can we prove this? how do we keep out that “smoking gun” e-mail? who’s the right witness to make this point? from earlier cases, does this judge seem to be sympathetic to corporations? how much leeway will the judge give on this issue? how will the judge oversee discovery? You want to be prepared with the key resources provided by the Aspen products included in this portfolio.

Product Spotlight

Trial Attorneys Integrated Library
The Trial Attorneys Integrated Library brings together a number of products useful to attorneys for the planning, trial, and appeal phases of litigation.

This library contains several evidence treatises including the renowned Wigmore plus the Almanac of the Federal Judiciary and the Directory of Federal Court Guidelines. Know the evidence and know the judge... 

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